Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Product Review: The PedEgg

This past year I’ve been trying to cut down on some pampering because I’m not working as many hours as I use to. Plus I have everything (nailpolishes, cuticle remover, files, nail nippers, creams) that I could possible need to do my own nails. I guess I just love the fact that my feet would be smooth as a baby’s bottom after a pedicure. So I tried my mom’s Ped Egg and trust me I was amazed at the results…my feet felt like it just got a salon makeover! So I bought one for myself!

Product: 5 out of 5

Packaging: 4.5 out of 5

Quality: 5 out of 5

Overall: 5 out of 5

Price: around $10

Available: At your local Walmart;;

Pros: It’s a affordable device that will help your feet feel extra silkly. I was pretty skeptical about this because its on those ‘As Seen On Tv’ commercials. It’s great for the in between salon visits or a total replacement of those salon visits. The pedicures here range from $30-$45 and I use to get them every 4-6 weeks. So imagine the major savings I’m doing.

Cons: The only con that I can think of is that it can be difficult removing the blade portion of the device to empty out the shavings. I think it would help to practice on it prior to using.

Overall: I think it’s worth a definite try! I think the cheapest pedegg would be at your local Walmart because on the site the shipping is a bit pricey and ebay also has shipping fees too. If you do love it like I do you can purchase the replacement blades on eBay.


Vikki | said...

Hi there I was thinking of buying one of these from my local "bazaar" type shop but was a bit warey as I thought it might rip my feet to shreds. Nice to know you have tried and tested and have the silky feet to show for it lol.
Might have to give this one a try.

Kimberly said...

Aww my mom bought two of these ped eggs for her and i to use -- it worked really well, and was kind of disgusting to see all the "shavings" -- but I noticed after a few days, both of our feet/s were dry and cracked from it. and not as soft as the first day... =/

The App Goddess said...

Very nice:)

Jolie said...

I have been thinking of buyiung one of these things for a while and after reading your review i probably will now! BUT i am so BUMMED about the price! In australia it's $49.95 or $69.95 but only $10 in america???? i don't know how they can justify that?