Sorry everyone for the lack of updates, life just happens. After one week of school, I had to fly back home because my doggie got sick. I knew something was up with him and I had mentioned it to his vet during his annual checkup and she had mentioned that his anal sacs weren't expressed. So that's why he was pacing because it had hurt for him to sit on his bumbum. So I left for school and a couple of days after my family were really worried about him because he was getting around 5 hours of sleep. He would be running into things and his hearing was getting bad. It had really worried my family and I seeing that he's not even 5 years old, too young to be running into problems.

So my sister had brought him into the vet and they had some blood and urine work done. Till then they had given him some sedatives to calm him down so he could sleep because he would just continue to pace even with his head down, he couldn't even bark. So it was basically a waiting game till the results came in and I really thought that we were going to lose him. He couldn't even stand while he ate, so he had to be hand fed. I did some research of my own and spoke to the small animal vet at the campus. So his temporary diagnosis is porto-systemic shunt, basically some of his blood isn't being filtered so an accumulation of toxins were circulating in his blood. He had episodes of seizures and just when he was getting a little better my mom took him on a car ride. I guess he had wedged himself under the backseat and he was stuck there for an hour. My sister and my mom were both in tears in McDonalds and luckily a man came and helped them. He had to completely remove my mom's back seat to get to him. My doggie was covered in blood and out cold because he was tired of trying to escape. He was stuck for about an hour:( My sister even called 911. That whole episode started a series of seizures that lasted for hours. I guess the trauma had his blood really circulating causing toxins to flow continuously all over his body. So the vet had wanted him to rest for 24+ hours. I flew back home at this point and the vet wanted us to give him heavy dosages of anti-seizure meds and valium! So his body had time to rest...much needed rest. It took awhile for him to show signs of improvement. He had an ultrasound scheduled so they could give him a final diagnosis but his appointment got cancelled so we have to wait another month for his ultrasound. Luckily we have the travel fees of the radiologist waived because of the cancellation.
He's doing much better now! Thank GOD! I cried myself to sleep a couple of nights worrying about him. He's on a low-protein diet and not taking any meds, which surprises me because porto-systemic shunt is a permanent thing. So big ? there. We even added boiled skinless/boneless chicken breast to his special low-protein canned food...which increases the protein level but adding that dramatically made him better. He started barking after the addition of the chicken. So I'm completely at odds with the diagnosis but he's better now and thats what matters.

Here's his daughter Juicy, who was completely jealous for the lack of attention. She now has chicken breasts with her regular food. She's a fatso...weighing in at 21 pounds! She's the complete baby of the family. She's very photogenic too.

Here's a look that I did a while back. I'm so not liking the lips..I'm using Mac's lip erase in dim. It totally makes me look real tan.
TFSI, all over lid
Soft Ochre paintpot, lid only
Blanc Type, highlight
Soft Brown & Texture, crease
TFSI, all over lid
Soft Ochre paintpot, lid only
Blanc Type, highlight
Soft Brown & Texture, crease
Moonflower, lid
Deep Truth, crease
Deep Truth, crease
Urban Decay eyeliner, zero
L'oreal Voluminous
awww hope the pup gets better :( you guys have my prayers! Juicy is so cute with the cape and the crown
awwww cute dog i hope he is getting better....
& you're really pretty
Oh, that's such a crazy ordeal. Having a puppy at home myself, I'm so glad that Rufus is feeling better! :)
oh btw.. i love the look. i'm sure you prob see something different IRL, but the dim erase in the pic looks like a nice nude lip!
i can't believe i didn't comment on this post. maybe cuz i read it at work and thought i'd comment at home? i dunno, but it was a sad story all over again, but the light at the end of the tunnel was bright!! how's rufus doing now? how are you?? we need an update girly! miss ya!
I hope he gets better! I love your nails from the previous post lol
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