Product: 4 out of 5
Packaging:4 out of 5
Quality: 4.5 out of 5
Overall: 4 out of 5
Price: $8.99
Color: Salmon colored reddish orange
Available: At your local beauty store
Pros: It is an eye catching color that is easy to apply. It does take about 2-3 coats for the pigmentation of the nail polish to match the color in the bottle. The nailpolish stayed on for about week without chipping!
Cons: I thought that this color would compliment my skintone but it fell short. It lost its shine rather quickly too.
Overall: A nailpolish I wouldn't be reaching often because of the color but it does have great qualities of a good nailpolish.
i thinks its pretty with your skintone:)
i've had this polish for a really long time. i have yet to use it. i need to as i'm back into oranges instead of looking for more oranges to buy =p
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