Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates but I'm sure everyone knows finals week is here. On top of that I also have to pack up and move back home (YaY!). AND do a deep cleaning on the apartment! I want all of my deposit money back yanno. So give me another week and I'll be back to regular posting. This post is on a makeover that I did on my cousin (we didn't even know we were cousins till half a semester went by sitting next to each other in Organic Chemistry! My aunty married her uncle lol) and I've been itching to do a makeover forever. Well we went out for Cinco De Mayo and I asked her if I could do her makeup, she agreed with fear. She said that she's never been happy with the makeovers that she had previously. For her 21st birthday another cousin did her makeup and she said she looks like a drag queen. So I wanted to do something easy on her...baby steps right? and something that will compliment her coloring. So I only have 4 palettes on me so I was pretty much limited in color selection. So I used Mac's Courage from the Well-Plumed. I described it to be a orange bronze color to her and she basically freaked out (Picture 1). I used my concealer and mixed it with moisturizer to use as her foundation to give her a sheer tint because she had some discoloration. I used my bronzer lightly to contour her face and for her lips I used Mac's Lust lipglass. Eyes
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Mac's Courage (lid)
Mac's Soft Brown (crease)
Mac's Phloof! (inner corner)
Mac's Ricepaper (highlight)
Mac's Feline (liner) & set with carbon
^^Freaked out while I gave the color description of Courage
^^Well-Plumed Quad, Courage lower right

^^ Before Makeover
^^ Doesn't Courage look like Sunkist, orange soda drink!So basically loved the look and the pictures doesn't do the look justice. She wants to take me shopping with her for makeup!
Great job! Love the eye makeup! She looks beautiful!
The original zuca bag is nice and I like the all black. I'm very simple like that! lol
Have you had a chance to check out the case yet?
she looks gorgeous! such adorable freckles! you did a great job and courage looks awesome. whenever i use it i feel like i'm making a mess, so i usu only use espresso and shroom =p
great jobbb! :D her freckles are so cute! courage is actually a really pretty color, i might go pick one up :D hahaha.
how adorable! Her freckles are super cute! I like how the colors of the eyeshadow also match her top
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